Fun Ways to Practice Piano : The Three Time Game
June 8, 2017
Piano, You and Your Child
September 19, 2018
Have you ever looked at a new piano song and been overwhelmed? Why not look at it like a game? If you build with legos, you lay them out and it seems overwhelming at first, but little by little, following the instructions, you complete the project. The same is with puzzles, it seems overwhelming at first, but you take colors, images, shapes, and little by little your puzzle comes together.
Playing a new song is the same process. When I look at a new song, I find the section that looks the hardest and start there first. As you see from the video, I have an Interactive Animal Note Magnet Dry Erase Board. By taking one note at a time and placing it on the board, you are learning the notes of that part in the song. Then find it on your piano or keyboard and now it seems fun, like a game. You can build each measure, find it on your piano or keyboard and before you know it, you know the entire song! My Interactive Animal Note Magnet Dry Erase Board can be used with the colorful animals and also writing the notes with a dry erase marker. This is available at my website: www.musicditties.com